Steine wurden zu Städten – invite

Foto: Harald Popp

Press release GALERIE EMMANUEL POST | Leipzig, 2011

With the programmatic exhibition title Die Werkzeuge gehorchten ihr sie stellten sich in Reihen auf und Steine wurden zu Städten (The tools obeyed her, they formed a line and stones became towns), Suse Bauer opens up a construction-like system of materialized possibilities. Her works on paper and relief ceramics are elaborately readable, open constructions, options with utopian potential, which defiantly convey the hope for the beauty of thought. Bauer forms the motifs of her works on paper by utilizing pastose layers of oil paint and oil pastels. From multifaceted surface structures, geometric abstract compositions emerge with a pronounced ductile presence. In the most recent ceramics, Bauer composes modular elements on a grid and realizes small lyrical islands. Both in her works on paper and her relief ceramics, Suse Bauer transforms emblematic gestures of the modernistic formal vocabulary into her individualized pictorial language. Isolated figurative picture elements, signs, and symbols merge collage-like through subjective appropriation and restructuring, producing an abstract medium for picture strategies of charging meaning. Notwithstanding their indissolubility, revoking prefabricated pictorial formulas, the works of Suse Bauer resolutely stipulate an individual process of interpretation and knowledge: Man creates his world!